
Matthew Bradford

Voice Actor

Matt Bradford is a voice actor and writer based out of Barrie, Ontario (Canada) who’s fondest memories include staying up late to watch Tales from the Crypt as a kid and falling asleep to Art Bell throughout university.

After graduating from Ryerson’s Radio and Television Arts program in 2004, Matt worked at radio stations across Canada before falling for a news announcer, getting hitched, and starting a family. Many years later, he has been fortunate to work with Vox Talent and lend his voice to national brands (LEGO, Burger King, Samsung), video games (Debris, Wrest, Rollers of the Realm), corporate videos (…yaaay…) and a number of creative projects; as well as write for Guinness Book of World Records, countless Canadian magazines and companies.

In his free time – (wait, that’s a thing?) – Matt enjoys teaching his kids the finer points of video gaming, sci-fi movies, and fondus.

Matt joined The NoSleep Podcast in 2016 and has been heard dying in hundreds of gruesome ways since.